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Cortisol/DHEA Ratio Calculator


  1. Select unit
  2. Enter Cortisol value
  3. Enter DHEA value
  4. Press "Enter" or click "Calculate"
Cortisol/DHEA Ratio:
The Cortisol/DHEA-Sulfate Ratio is important for understanding the dynamic between these hormones, which play significant roles in stress response, metabolism, and overall hormonal health. To use this calculator, enter serum cortisol and serum DHEA-sulfate (DHEA-S) laboratory values. Our calculator will compute the serum cortisol to DHEA-sulfate ratio, providing a comprehensive view of hormonal balance. This ratio is especially useful for healthcare professionals in assessing and managing conditions related to adrenal function, stress, aging, and hormonal imbalances. It's also invaluable for individuals monitoring their stress levels and hormonal health. By offering insights into the balance between cortisol and DHEA-sulfate, this tool assists in informed health decisions, aiding in the pursuit of optimal well-being and balance.