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Triglyceride/HDL Ratio


  1. Select unit
  2. Enter Triglyceride value
  3. Enter HDL value
  4. Press "Enter" or click "Calculate"
Triglyceride/HDL Ratio:
The Triglyceride/HDL Ratio is a key indicator in evaluating the balance between triglycerides and High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, often termed the 'good' cholesterol. This ratio is increasingly recognized for predicting the risk of developing heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. To use this calculator, input the triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels. Our calculator will compute the ratio of triglycerides to HDL cholesterol. This measure offers a deeper insight into your lipid profile beyond traditional cholesterol testing. A higher ratio may indicate a higher risk of heart disease, while a lower ratio is generally considered more favorable. This tool is particularly useful for healthcare professionals to assess and monitor their patients' risk of cardiovascular diseases. It's also valuable for individuals tracking their heart health, especially those with a family history of heart disease or other risk factors. By understanding your Triglyceride/HDL Ratio, you can take proactive steps toward heart health management and make informed decisions about lifestyle and treatment options.