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QUICKI Calculator


  1. Select unit
  2. Enter Fasting Glucose value
  3. Enter Fasting Insulin value
  4. Press "Enter" or click "Calculate"
The QUICKI is a widely recognized index used to assess how effectively the body uses insulin, which is critical in managing and understanding diabetes and metabolic health. You must input fasting blood glucose and insulin levels to use this calculator. Our calculator will apply the QUICKI formula, which is: QUICKI=1/(log(Insulin in μU/ml)+log(Glucose in mg/dl)). This calculation provides a quick and reliable estimate of insulin sensitivity, an important aspect of metabolic health. The QUICKI is particularly valuable for healthcare professionals in assessing insulin resistance, a key factor in type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and other metabolic disorders. It's also useful for individuals monitoring their own metabolic health, especially those managing conditions like prediabetes or diabetes. The QUICKI Calculator guides therapeutic decisions and personal health management strategies by offering a clear understanding of insulin sensitivity.