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Non-HDL Cholesterol Calculator


  1. Select unit
  2. Enter Total Cholesterol value
  3. Enter HDL Cholesterol value
  4. Press "Enter" or click "Calculate"
Non-HDL Cholesterol:
Non-HDL cholesterol encompasses all the cholesterol in the blood that isn't High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, often called the 'good' cholesterol. This includes Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and other lipid particles that can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Using this calculator is simple. Just input the total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels. Our calculator will then subtract your HDL cholesterol from your total cholesterol, giving you your non-HDL cholesterol level. This figure is an important marker for healthcare professionals in assessing the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and guiding treatment decisions. For patients and individuals monitoring their heart health, this tool offers a valuable perspective on your cholesterol profile, going beyond the traditional cholesterol measures. By understanding your non-HDL cholesterol level, you can take more informed steps toward heart health management and preventive care.