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Triglyceride-glucose Index Calculator


  1. Select unit
  2. Enter Triglycerides value
  3. Enter Glucose value
  4. Press "Enter" or click "Calculate"
Triglyceride-glucose Index:
The TyG Index has emerged as a simple yet effective marker for identifying insulin resistance, a key factor in the development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. To use this calculator, you need to enter the fasting triglyceride level (in mg/dL) and the fasting blood glucose level (also in mg/dL). Our calculator will compute the TyG Index using the formula: TyG Index=log 10(Triglycerides×Glucose/2). This calculation provides an estimate of insulin resistance and can be a valuable tool in metabolic health assessment. This tool is particularly useful for healthcare professionals as an additional resource in assessing the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It is also beneficial for individuals monitoring their metabolic health, especially for those with risk factors for diabetes or heart disease. By offering insights into insulin resistance through the TyG Index, this calculator guides lifestyle modifications and therapeutic interventions for better health outcomes.